Internet E-Mail Workshop
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Introduction to the Internet: A Reading List
November 1992
Aboba, Bernard. The BMUG Guide to Bulletin Boards and Beyond.
Berkeley, CA: BMUG, 1992. designed for MAC users.
Comer, Douglas. Internetworking with TCP/IP: Volume 1:
Principles, Protocols and Architecture. 2nd edition. Englewood
Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1991. 3 volumes have been published
but this is the important one to look at. A good technical view.
Dern, Daniel. Internet Guide for New Users. Westport, CT:
Meckler, 1993. Expected early 1993.
Frey, Donnalyn and Rick Adams. !%@:: A Directory of Electronic
Mail Addressing and Networks. Second Edition. Sebastopol, CA:
O'Reilly and Associates, 1990. New edition expected.
Hardie, Edward T.L. and Vivian Neon, eds. Internet: Mailing
Lists. Menlo Park, CA: SRI International, 1992.
Quickly dated. Good printed version of the listservs and discussion
groups with directions to join.
Henry, Marcia et al. Search Sheets for OPACs on the Internet: A
Selective Guide to U.S. OPACs Utilizing VT100 Emulation.
Westport, CT: Meckler, 1991. Very limited.
Hunt, Craig. TCP/IP Network Administration. Sebastopol, CA:
O'Reilly & Associates, 1992. What the network administrator at
an Internet site should know!
Kahin, Brian, ed. Building Information Infrastructure: Issues in
the Development of the National Research and Education Network.
McGraw-Hill, 1992. A political view of the Internet looking at
potential implications for the directions in which the NREN may
take it.
Kehoe, Brendan. Zen and the Art of the Internet. Prentice-Hall,
1992. Readable primer. [Earlier edition available via ftp on
host cs.widener.edu, directory pub/zen.]
Kochmer, Jonathan. NorthWestNet User Services Internet Resource
Guide (NUSIRG). Bellevue, WA: NorthWestNet Academic Computing
Consortium, Inc., 1991. [Available via anonymous ftp from host
ftphost.nwnet.net in directory /cd/nwnet/user-guide get
README.nusirg to produce names of the files in the NUSIRG
directory]. New edition expected shortly.
Krol, Ed. The Whole Internet User's Guide & Catalog. Sebastopol,
CA: O'Reilly & Associates, 1992. THE book to buy as of October 1992!
Lane, Elizabeth S. and Craig A. Summerhill. An Internet Primer
for Librarians and Educators: A Basic Guide to Internet
Technology. Westport, CT: Meckler, 1992. To be published Nov. 1992.
LaQuey, Tracy. Internet Companion. Addison-Wesley, 1992.
Very readable. Designed for the novice.
LaQuey, Tracy L. User's Directory of Computer Networks. Bedford,
MA: Digital Press, 1990. Useful directory to see network members
as of date of publication. Good narrative of each of midlevel regionals
with topology map. While dated (Nov 1992), still a valuable reference.
Marine, April, ed. Internet: Getting Started. Menlo Park, CA:
SRI International, 1992. Good reference tool but not first book to read.
Useful tool to identify documents available via the Internet as of date
of publication: acronyms, source of addresses for providers and involved
groups, lists of RFCs, FYI's, STD's, bibliographies.
McClure, Charles, Ann Peterson Bishop, Philip Doty, and Howard
Rosenbaum. The National Research and Education Network (NREN):
Research and Policy Perspectives. Norwood, N.J.: Ablex Publishing
Corp., 1991. This is one of the many valuable contributions of Charles
McClure and his colleagues to the research literature concerning.
NYSERNet New User's Guide to Useful and Unique Resources on the
Internet. NYSERNet, Inc., 1992. Eclectic. Written as a guide to point new
users to a few places to make their "first use of Internet resources
successful and productive."
Parkhurst, Carol A. Library Perspectives on the NREN, the
National Research and Education Network. Chicago: Library and
Information Technology Association, 1990. Compiled early work. Good
background reading.
Quarterman, John S. The Matrix: Computer Networks and
Conferencing Systems Worldwide. Bedford, MA: Digital Press, 1990.
Classic work. Still considered a Bible.
Rittner, Don. Ecolinking: Everyone's Guide to Online
Environmental Information. Berkeley, CA: Peachpit Press, 1992.
Particularly directed at concerned citizens, environmentalists and
scientists interested in sharing ideas and research on environmental
issues. Reviews the networks involved and some of the resources
available: FIDONET, BITNET, INTERNET, USENET, local bulletin
boards, America Online, CompuServe, EcoNet, GENIE, WELL.
DELPHI, which has an Environmental SIG, and PRODIGY are
noticeable gaps. Describes library resources and electronic mailing lists.
Schuyler, Michael. Dial In: 1990-1991. An Annual Guide to Library
Online Public Access Catalogs in North America. Meckler, 1990.
look for latest edition. A very limited selection of catalogs available
by phone.
Shapiro, Norman Z. and Robert H. Anderson. Toward an Ethics and
Etiquette for Electronic Mail. Santa Monica, CA: Rand
Corporation, July 1985. Background. Other files of netiquette
rules are available via the Internet.
Sproull, Lee and Sara Kiesler. Connections: New Ways of Working
in the Networked Organization. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1991.
Valuable discussion of how our life and work are changing because
of the increasing connectivity. Fascinating reading.
Tennant, Roy, John Ober, and Anne G. Lipow. Crossing the Internet
Threshold: An Instructional Handbook. Berkeley, CA: Library
Solutions Institute, 1992. Good workbook for trainers to start with.
Periodical Articles
Communications, Computers, and Networks: How to Work and Play and
Thrive in Cyberspace. Scientific American, Special Issue. 265:3
(September 1991). A compilation of a number of interesting articles.
Electronic Networking: Research, Applications and Policies.
ISSN: Meckler Corporation, 11 Ferry Lane West, Westport, Ct
06880. Quarterly publication. Articles published to "describe, evaluate,
and foster understanding of the role and applications of electronic
networks" as well as to "promote and encourage the successful use of
electronic networks."
Internet News, monthly column. Boardwatch Magazine: Guide to the
World of Online Services. ISSN: 1054-2760. 5970 South Vivian
Street, Littleton, Colorado 80127. Editor of Boardwatch is proactive
in highlighting new Internet developments, new providers, new
resources, etc.
Internet World. [formerly Research & Education Networking: The
Newsletter for Education, Information and Research Networks.] 9
issues a year. ISSN: Meckler Corporation, 11 Ferry Lane West,
Westport, CT 06880.
Quarterman, J.S. and Hoskins, J.C. Notable Computer Networks.
Communications of the ACM. 29:10 (October 1986), pp. 932-971.
historical value.
Tillman, Hope N. and Sharyn J. Ladner. Special Librarians and the
INTERNET. Special Libraries 83:2 (Spring 1992), pp. 127-131.
Special librarians' use of the Internet promoted.
Also check library literature for numerous articles in Academic and
Library Computing, American Libraries, Business Information
Alert, Byte, Computers in Libraries, Database, Database Searcher,
Educom Review, Online, Wilson Library Bulletin.
Available via the Internet/E-Mail:
Barron, Billy. UNT's Accessing On-Line Bibliographic Databases.
Denton, TX: University of North Texas, 1991. Directory of library
catalogsand databases available over the Internet via telnet.
Compare with Art. St. George list. [Available via ftp on host
ftp.unt.edu, directory library]
Connecting to the Internet: What Connecting Institutions Should
Anticipate. Network Working Group, Request for Comments 1359,
August 1992. [Available via ftp on host nisc.sri.com, directory
rfc, fukebane RFC1359.TXT.]
Krol, Ed. The Hitchhiker's Guide To the Internet. Network Working
Group, Request for Comments 1118, September 1989. [Available via
ftp on host nic.ddn.mil, directory rfc:, filename RFC1118.TXT]
Updated into a book September 1992 - see book section.
List of Lists. Menlo Park, CA: SRI International, Network
Information Systems Center, 1990. Source for up-to-date
list of listservs and mailing lists. [Available via ftp on host
ftp.nisc.sri.com in directory netinfo, filename interest-groups;
also by e-mail command "Send netinfo/interest-groups" to
Malkin, Gary Scott and Marine, April N. FYI on Questions and Answers:
Answers to Commonly Asked "New Internet User" Questions.
User Services Working Group of the Internet Engineering
Task Force, Request for Comments 1325, May 1992.
[Available online on host nnsc.nsf.net, directory rfc:, filename
Martin, J. There's Gold in them thar Networks! or Searching for
Treasure in all the Wrong Places. Request for Comments 1290,
December 1991. [Available via ftp on host nic.ddn.mil, directory
rfc:, filename RFC1290.TXT]
National Science Foundation Network Service Center. Internet
Resource Guide. Cambridge, MA: NSF Network Service Center, 1989.
[Available via ftp on host nnsc.nsf.net, directory resource-
guide, or via e-mail request to resource-guide-request@nnsc.nsf.net]
Individual chapters can be requested separately.
Scott, Peter. HYTELNET. [Software program]. Currently version 6.3.
Updated regularly. [Available via ftp on host access.usask.ca,
directory pub/hytelnet and then pick directory by type of computer,
and select filename.] Identifies information on resources available
worldwide via telnet at the touch of a key either while connected or in
preparation for going online. Memory resident program. Covers:
library catalogs, archie sites, CWIS sites, databases and bibliographies,
distributed file servers (Gopher, WAIS, World Wide Web), Electronic
books, Fee-based services, FREE-NET systems, General bulletin
boards, Hytelnet online versions, NASA databases, Network
information services, Whois/white pages/directory services, and
Miscellaneous telnet accessible systems. Available for MAC, PC,
VAX, UNIX, Amiga and also available for viewing over the Internet.
St. George, Art and Ron Larsen. Internet-Accessible Library
Catalogs and Databases. Albuquerque, NM: University of New
Mexico, 1991. [Available by e-mail message "GET LIBRARY PACKAGE"
to listserv@unmvm.bitnet]. Directory of library catalogs and databases
available via telnet.
... And for fun reading:
Hafner, Katie and John Markoff. Cyberpunk: Outlaws and Hackers on
the Computer Frontier. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1991.
Malamud, Carl. Exploring the Internet: A Technical Travelogue.
Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1992.
Sterling, Bruce. The Hacker Crackdown: Law and Disorder on the
Electronic Frontier. New York: Bantam Books, 1992.
Stoll, Clifford. The Cuckoo's Egg: Tracking a Spy Through the
Maze of Computer Espionage. New York: Doubleday, 1989.
prepared by Hope N. Tillman (HTILLMAN@DELPHI)
Director of Libraries, Babson College, Babson Park, MA 02157
Chair of the Special Libraries Association Networking Committee
updated November 1992